What is Acupuncture & What Conditions Can Be Treated
Acupuncturist in Monmouth County, NJ
Acupuncture is the use of fine needles inserted at various depths into the skin to affect changes in Qi, simply known as "life force" and blood. The stimulation of these needles helps reduce pain, restore proper function and create balance in the body to ensure optimal health.
Conditions That Can Help With Acupuncture Include But Are Not Limited To:
By balancing the body, mind and spirit and restoring overall energy balance, acupuncture can help people embrace optimal wellness without medication.
reduce frequency/severity of allergic reaction
GI discomfort
Respiratory issues
Skin irritations
speech and swallowing problems
pain management
Pain Management
neck pain
shoulder pain
back pain
joint pain
muscle pain
chronic/acute injuries
Book Your Acupuncture Appointment at the Jersey Shore Today!
When performed by a licensed acupuncturist in a controlled clinical setting, Acupuncture offers many benefits. In many/most cases, it delivers the same or better results than modern medicine without the risks and side effects. Book today or contact The Atlantic Center for Acupuncture for more information!